Help and Support

Solve problems on your own

Get answers to frequently asked questions
Get step-by-step solutions when you search for help by an error description or by the error number displayed in any error messages you receive

Check Windows Update Newsgroup
Find out if someone else has a solution for your problem, or write about a problem and get help from other users. (Some discussions available in English only.)

Get assistance

Visit the online Support Center
Find links to Knowledge Base (KB) articles and other resources, including e-mail, online, and phone support. (Charges might apply in some cases.) If any information is available in English only, you can get additional help from Microsoft in your country or region.

Send a problem report
If you can’t solve the problem using the options above, complete an online report and let support professionals know the best way to contact you. If the form isn’t available in your country or region, get support by phone.

Support for pre-release (beta) software
Support for pre-release software varies by product. We strongly recommend that you read the details provided for pre-release software or updates before you install them.